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World Hepatitis Day – July 28th

July 28, 2023 is World Hepatitis Day, a day set aside to raise awareness about how hepatitis affects individuals in the United States and around the world. According to, over one million people lose their lives as a result of hepatitis. But we don’t have to accept these deaths as a given if we take steps to address this disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are different types of hepatitis that can affect the liver. The most common types are hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Individuals who acquire hepatitis often do not experience any symptoms of the infection and live with it for a period of time without doing anything to address it. This contributes to poor health outcomes and possibly death.

Of all the types of hepatitis, perhaps the most concerning type is hepatitis C virus (HCV). In fact, according to the CDC, new rates of HCV increased over 60% between the years 2015 and 2019. And the age group most impacted during this time period? 20 – 39 year olds.

The key to improving health as it relates to hepatitis, as it does with other diseases and infections, is testing. Individuals should speak to their health providers about how and where to get tested for hepatitis if they think they’re at risk. Caring Communities also provides testing for hepatitis. To find out more or to schedule a test with us, refer to our website at or call us at 570-829-2700.

To learn even more about hepatitis, visit:


Caring Communities is a non-profit, tax exempt charitable organization that provides confidential HIV/STI assessment and case management services to a 12-county service area throughout Northeast and North Central Pennsylvania.






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